
BryanProfile Photo

Bryan is in the podcaster protection program, and his true identity cannot be shown.

May 7, 2023

Keeping Everyone Happy

A listener wants to know: "I'm struggling with trying to make everyone in my life happy - what advice can you give me to do that?" Our experts know exactly what makes people happy, and they're more than willing to share that…
Guests: Laura , Ari , Andrew , Bryan
April 9, 2023

Competition in the Family

My brother and I are both on competitive sports teams. We are facing each other in the final. How do we convince god that we should be the one to win?
Guests: Laura , Ari , Andrew , Bryan
March 26, 2023

Your Road Rage

We know driving is hard and sometimes it can really get under your skin. Our experts answer a listener's question - "How can I get my road rage under control?"
Guests: Laura , Ari , Andrew , Bryan
March 12, 2023

Advice For A Younger You

A listener wants to know "If you could, what advice would you give to your younger self?" and our experts are provide the advice they would've given themselves.
Guests: Laura , Ari , Andrew , Bryan
Jan. 22, 2023

Training your pet

Our experts discuss their pets, and some offer some really bad advice on training and care.
Guests: Laura , Ari , Andrew , Bryan