
LauraProfile Photo

Guest Bad Advice Giver

Laura was born to tell stories. Whether as a dancer/aerialist with Tokyo Disney, a playwright and performer for the new Canadian musical, Every Silver Lining, or her solo show, LESBIHONEST, a teacher at the Toronto District School Board, or as a comédienne in Footloose with Just for Laughs, Laura’s unstoppable passion in life lies in telling people all sorts of eccentric stories, whether they want to hear them or not.

May 7, 2023

Keeping Everyone Happy

A listener wants to know: "I'm struggling with trying to make everyone in my life happy - what advice can you give me to do that?" Our experts know exactly what makes people happy, and they're more than willing to share that…
Guests: Laura , Ari , Andrew , Bryan
April 9, 2023

Competition in the Family

My brother and I are both on competitive sports teams. We are facing each other in the final. How do we convince god that we should be the one to win?
Guests: Laura , Ari , Andrew , Bryan
March 26, 2023

Your Road Rage

We know driving is hard and sometimes it can really get under your skin. Our experts answer a listener's question - "How can I get my road rage under control?"
Guests: Laura , Ari , Andrew , Bryan
March 12, 2023

Advice For A Younger You

A listener wants to know "If you could, what advice would you give to your younger self?" and our experts are provide the advice they would've given themselves.
Guests: Laura , Ari , Andrew , Bryan
Jan. 22, 2023

Training your pet

Our experts discuss their pets, and some offer some really bad advice on training and care.
Guests: Laura , Ari , Andrew , Bryan
Nov. 13, 2022

Keeping the children safe

This week our experts weigh in on keeping children safe in a complex and sometimes dangerous world.
Guests: Laura , Íris , Ari
Oct. 30, 2022

Language of Love

What is more exotic than a foreign tongue? Our experts share with you their ideas on the languages of love.
Guests: Laura , Íris , Ari
Oct. 23, 2022

Is this love?

Whitney Houston asked "how will I know if (insert pronoun of choice here) really loves me" - Our experts help you to answer that question.
Guests: Laura , Íris , Ari
Sept. 18, 2022

Should I rent or buy my home?

This episode our experts give advice on a basic necessity of life, finding affordable housing.
Guests: Laura , Íris , Ari